Sunday, March 1, 2015

Hitthetarget's Story

As you probably know, Hitthetarget is Stampy's enemy.  Ever wondered why?  Well, Hitthetarget tries to steal Stampy's dogs.  Why?  To take over the world.  However, the story goes deeper than that.  You have time?  This may take a while.

Long ago, in the days where the players of minecraft had not yet come to walk the Earth, there were two kingdoms.  The animals kingdom, and the monsters kingdom.  The animal kingdom was ruled by a fair and loving king chicken, and his wife, queen ocelot [don't ask] and their daughter princess pig [yeah, no clue here].  Now, the monster kingdom was ruled by king creeper, and his wife queen silverfish.  Now, the animal kingdom, had an army.  Lead by the most powerful general a kingdom could want.  General Sheep.  General Sheep had a dog army, [stampy's dogs] and his best friend and soldier, Gregory.  General Sheep was one day asked to go and stop the monster kingdom once and for all.  Him and his dog army marched in the kingdom, faced with goalies galore.  As General Sheep jumped in the air a skeleton shouted, "Look!  General Sheep is in the air!  Common, Hit the target!"  As arrows fired at him, General Sheep couldn't keep up.  General Sheep was slain.  His dog army took his corpse back to the kingdom.   Then one night, they built his sheep skeleton into the form of a person, and he came back to life.  They dressed him in king's clothing and then he said, "I am not General Sheep.  I shall be called Hitthetarget, and you my precious dog army, shall help me concur all!"  Gregory protested, "Wait, what?"  "Gregory, I have to concur all.  If I don't, googlies."  That same night, all the dogs ran away, to a world.  A new world.  Now Stampy has stolen all of his dogs, killed them and now Hitthetarget once his army back.

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